
I'm Moving

I'm not moving, but i'm moving this blog! Come visit my new blog! Just click here!
I hope I see you following there :)


A Photo Blog

Ok, I have changed this blog to a photo blog, (sorry to those who enjoyed the crafts) but I will post projects that i am working on every now and then. The reason why i changed it is because I'm not always doing crafts, but photography is so important to me and I love doing it, so I hope that everyone will enjoy what is to come in the future on this blog!


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day!

God bless all the moms out there!

I love you Mummy!



I Award This To........

 I made my first award and I am going to award it to.....

This is a photography award :)


Extreme Makeover-Jewelry Box Edition Part II

As you know I've been redoing my jewelry box. A couple of posts ago I showed you the outside of the transformed box, now I will show you the inside:

I like pink. I don't love it. I just like it. The inside didn't have to be pink, but it went well with the green. I lined the inside with stick on felt that I bought at my local craft store.
 I think it looks really cool!


Spring Photography

Spring flowers!


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Extreme Makeover-Jewelry Box Edition

It was so fun redoing this jewelry box!
Here are the before pics:

Here are the afters:

Now, I have to admit, I'm not completely finished.
I still have some work to do on the inside, but I think the outside looks really cool!
All I did was spray paint the whole thing "heirloom white", (I had to do several coats but it was worth it, it dries really fast!) and then paint a design on the top with a craft paint and TAH-DA!!!